Looking for information on a former serving West Nova?
Unfortunately the Regiment does not retain records for former serving soldiers. However, please find below some locations where you can learn more about the West Nova Scotia Regiment.
Facebook pages for both the Regiment and the Association are very active and are an excellent spot to request additional information:
Archives and other Sources
Please visit Army.ca's Contacts Page where they have a number of resources listed that may have some additional information including asking for wartime records of former serving members.
Google WNSR Photos http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/images/col-dc/5107-1.jpg http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/images/cf-dc/5107-2.jpg
Links of interest
- Google the West Nova Scotia Regiment
- The West Nova Scotia Regiment in Wikipedia
- The West Nova Scotia Regiment on Canada.ca
- The WNSR Cap Badge and Colours on the Governor General of Canada's website
- The West Nova Scotia Regiment's Change of Colours in 2023
- You can see electronic copies of the War Diary from World War II here that you could peruse to see what the Regiment was up to during the war: http://wnsr.ca/wardiary
Contact Us
If you need assistance, please use the form below to contact us.