Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have information about my family member who served?

Please see our Contact Us page for detailed information on finding service records, etc.

Can I use my civilian experience and skills in the Reserve Army?

Definitely your experience and civilian training will be an important part of doing your job as a Reservist. But it is likely, the general skills you gain in the Reserve force, such as leadership techniques, or organization skills, will be useful to your civilian job too. Most Army Reservists do not choose to do the same job in the Army they do full time; after all, if you are looking for a challenge you will want to learn new skills.

Are there prospects for promotion and progression in the Army Reserve?

Yes, you can be promoted based on a combination of several things: successfully completing the training specific to your trade, your performance, completing professional development courses and the Army’s need for you at a higher rank.

Will the Army Reserve leave me time for other things in my life like my work or school?

Yes. While reservists need to work a minimum number of days a year/month for the Army to keep a position open for you, the key word to working as a Reservist is flexibility; yours and the Army's. Most Reservists have other full time demands on their lives and that fact is considered when training and unit activities are planned.

Is there a social life in the Army Reserve?

Very much so. You will make friendships that can last a lifetime. Every unit has a Mess (a social gathering place) of which you will become a member. After working hard there will be time to share stories.

Under what circumstances would the Reserve Army be called into action?

Reservists may volunteer for duty with a unit going overseas on a Peace Support Operation. Within Canada a Reserve unit may respond to a domestic emergency like the Ice Storm or the Winnipeg Floods, or it may assist a city or province in a special event such as a Royal Visit. As a reservist you may volunteer for both Expeditionary and Domestic tasks.

Can I choose to serve as an officer or an NCM?

Serving as an officer or as a non-commissioned member (NCM) is partly your choice and based on your education and your leadership ability. Being an NCM takes leadership and the ability to execute plans.

What is the training like and how fit do I need to be?

Being a soldier is demanding work. There is a Canadian Forces fitness standard called FORCE that is the minimum level of fitness you will need to achieve. Staying fit is a big part of training within a unit.

How long do I have to serve?

There is no obligatory period of service for a Reservist. Many people in the Army Reserve are active part-time members of their Reserve unit through out their adult professional lives. In effect having two careers.

How often do I go to work?

Currently a junior NCM or Officer will be expected to serve up to 37.5 days from September to May, and then depending on courses required during the summer, up to another 60-90 days.  This number of days can vary depending on the military occupation you choose; more specialized trades need more training days to be effective.  In addition, depending on availability and training, additional training opportunities will arise out side of normal Unit training.  For example, Winter Warfare, Land over Snow Vehicle, and Rifle Team courses or competitions.

How do I choose a trade or occupation?

The Unit recruiter will help you to choose which military occupation (MOC) you apply for.  As we are an Infantry Unit, they choices are limited.  Currently we have Chaplin, Infantry Officer, and Infantry NCM available.

Do I have to be bilingual?

No your are not required to be bilingual in the West Nova Scotia Regiment as we are designated as an English only Unit.

How Much do I get paid?

Your rate of pay is dependent on your rank, and number of years you have served at that rank. See the Military Pay Rates table online, and select the Class A and Class B service rates.