13-15 Sep 2024, Aldershot
Register for the Annual Reunion Online
RSVP ONLINE See interim attendee list
WNSRRA 73rd Annual Reunion 2024
Reunion Schedule
Time | Activity | Location | Details |
Friday 13 Sep | |||
1800-2330 | Meet & Greet BBQ | Borden Hall Combined Mess, Aldershot | Bar will be open |
Saturday 14 Sep | |||
1200-1330 | Informal Lunch | Kings Arms Tavern | 390 Main St, Kentville, NS B4N 1K8 |
1330-1700 | Association Kit Shop and Registration | Kentville Legion | 37 River St, Kentville, NS B4N 1G8 |
1700-1830 | Association Dinner | Kentville Legion | Turkey dinner, $25 per plate 37 River St, Kentville, NS B4N 1G8 |
1830-2000 | Social Evening | Kentville Legion | All RA Members welcome to attend |
Sunday 15 Sep | |||
0800-0900 | Registration | Borden Hall Combined Mess - Aldershot | Registration before the AGM or members can register and pay dues online. Kit shop onsite |
1000-1130 | WNSRRA Annual General Meeting | Borden Hall Combined Mess - Aldershot | |
1130-1200 | Church Parade | West Nova Scotia Regiment Cenotaph | Outside the LCol G.W. Bullock Building (209) |
1200-1215 | Group Photo | Borden Hall Combined Mess | Capture the memory of this day with a Group Photo |
This year at the Annual general meeting there will be election of new members of the executive.
To make things convenient, we have provided the opportunity for you to join the Regimental Association or to pay your dues for the current year and your registration fees online, right on this page (above and to the right). Fees can be paid by PayPal, credit card, or debit card. This is one way in which we're trying to modernize the Association to keep pace with the membership.
Let us know you're coming - Besides the ability to pay dues online, there is another important difference this year. We are asking members to RSVP to confirm whether they will be attending or not no later than 1 September. This is critical for us because we need to be able to accurately forecast how many attendees we expect for the banquet. For the past few years, we have been wrong in our estimates and have had to pay for many meals we didn't need. This is why we need your help by using our online, mail, or phone RSVP no later than 1 September.
Here is the contact information:
- WNSRRA Secretary
5086 Hwy 357
Elderbank, NS
B0N 1K0 - 902-384-2131
- RASecty@gmail.com
Even if you cannot attend this year's reunion, you can still join the Association and pay your Annual Dues to show your support for the Regimental Association. We'll appreciate the support and look forward to seeing you at another occasion. If you are not at the Reunion to pick up your Membership Card, we'll mail it to you later.
If you are not a Regimental Association member, you can join by completing the application and sending it to the Secretary with your annual dues. If you are already a member, you can pay your annual dues online where it says JOIN THE WEST NS REGT ASSOCIATION.